I had couple of days off from my family and went to Rome alone to visit my sister. Last Saturday morning the weather in Portugal was not pleasant to fly. I had cough and my younger daughter had fever. It seemed like that everything was against me leaving but with my husband's encouragement I left for Rome. Only 30 minutes delay, an Airbus took off and flight was very smooth and I landed in Rome safely.
Before leaving I made for my sister a little box as a present. This is my second box that I made using
Linda Johansen's book on making fabric boxes. My sister was delighted to have this little present.

When in Rome do as the Romans do. This
saying is originated from 387 A.D when St Ambrose visited Milan and he commented on its church service. I have to follow the saying.
Before leaving Portugal I told myself that I had to eat pizza and ice cream. I do think that Italian ice cream is the best in the world after trying couple of time during my previous visits to Rome. They even have ice cream university in Bologna. On my first night I had pizza Margarita and on my last night in Rome I had ice cream.

Shopping was the must to do in my agenda. My sister, Temuulen, was my driver for two days. She recently started driving and was a very good "a taxi driver" for me. She was not expensive because for two whole days service we had two lunches together and we spoke only Mongolian.
The funniest thing that happened to us was that when we entered to a shopping centre and everybody was directed to go a level down. My sister saw an empty spot and she told a guy, who was directing, in Mongolian about the spot. He understood her Mongolian and let us to park our car. Only when I told her that she used her mother tongue she kept laughing.
Shop in Rome
Streets in Rome are full of motobikes and mopeds. This one was not used to ride but it invited people to come to have cappuccino. We had two cups of cappuccino and cakes and had relaxing afternoon after long day of shopping.

Another Italian signature is Fiat's
Cinquecento, which was awarded "European Car of the Year" in 2008. They were plenty of them all different colours of rainbow running in Rome's streets but this one was parked in the centre of the city and had on its dashboard with little models of cinquecentos.

After long day of strolling in cobbled streets of Italian capital we decided to have relaxing talk and sipping coctails at the hotel
Exedra in Rome, when Dalai Lama visits to Rome stays there.

My entertainment finished and I am back to my normal life - cooking, cleaning, looking after my children, husband and the dog. Of course, doing my hobbies...
Text and photos by Javhlan
Welcome home Jackie, What a fab husband you have!... a short break should have left you revived for much stitching.... once you have caught up on the chores that is!
ReplyDeleteThe box is lovely, no wonder your sister loved it.
Beijinhos for all the ladies!