Now on Quilt Bar will be meeting every Thursday because my younger daughter started creche on 1 March. Ironically, during three weeks of March she attended only five days and the rest she was sick. Never mind, she will improve her immune system among her peers.
We had surprise visit from Susan. I had not seen her since last November and I have to tell her "Happy New Year! in March". She was traveling to the UK too many times to visit her first granddaughter. I hope she had some inspiration from Ann's books and we will see her more often with her quilting.

Ann was working on her notebook cover and she brought books about quilting. These books inspired us to plan or to think about our future projects. All Buttoned Up book was great for quick and easy projects. I already have some ideas and hopefully, one day I will make many things.

For that book Ann has plenty of buttons which she bought in Australia.

On that day Irene and I were lucky ones. Ann decided to give away her DMC threads to us. There were rainbow colours. Thank you Ann.

Irene was working on her nine block quilt, which involves quilting, embroidery and of course, chatting.

Photos Irene and Javhlan
Text Javhlan
Sorry to butt in... but we have packs of those buttons at Arco Iris a TAD closer than Australia and probably less expensive. AND, really, really, soon we´ll have most of the collection.