Cascais Cultural Centre hall was full holding International Women in Portugal's (IWP) Activity and Business Fair. There were many Portuguese and international women and children. These women came to become members of IWP or renew their membership, and to find some activities to join or to see members own businesses.
IWP has many activities and any woman can get membership and join different activities such as: Portuguese language and culture, Arraiolos - Portuguese carpet making, or other language groups - English, French, Italian, and German. For the active sports women there are tennis, walks, and golf. After having done some fitness you can wine and dine with International Diners, Aspiring Chefs, Night Life and Wine Time. Of course, there always will be Baby and Toddler group for young mothers.
Ursula and I represented Patchwork and Quilting group at the Activity. Thank you to Irene, Therese and Ursula for showing your beautiful quilts. Because of that we had some ladies who were interested in joining our group.
by Javhlan Byamba
No wonder you had new ladies interested, this table looks fabulous! Well done ladies... Love Angel