I love watching the film Madagascar. If you remember, the main characters are Marty the zebra, Alex the lion, Melman the giraffe, and Gloria the hippo. Gloria is the only girl in that film but she is the boss of four friends. They like and listen to her but Melman loves her (Madagascar 2).
Some time ago Irene brought me a magazine
Bonecos de Encantar em tecido ("Charming Dolls, in cloth") , a special edition of
Arte Ideias, May 2009 issue. The magazine had patterns for making a turtle, a rabbit, a snail, an owl, a hippo, a teddy etc.
When I look at my sleeping 6-month-old nephew, he just reminds me of Gloria the hippo. So I made for him a little hippo doll (a boy), it is so soft, like a cushion. The pattern had only 4 parts and it was very easy to make.
I hope you agree the result is cute:

Posted by Javhlan