Friday, September 26, 2014

Dresden plate

Summer holidays over for sure! Ann and I started meeting for patchwork. Last week and today Ann worked on her Dresden plate tote bag.  The kit came from Cath Kidston-s book.


Meanwhile I worked on my three years old jumper.  Finally, it is ready for winter. I have to learn how to take selfie. I need more practice which means have to knit more jumpers...

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Summer is over

Hello quilters! It seems like rainy season in Portugal started too early for this winter.  It has been raining a lot but mostly at night.  I managed drive safely on a motorway while sky fel.

But rain is good for quilters and crafters because it gives us opportunities to start over a new project or continue our unfinished work.

Lets start meeting for this season. The first meeting will be next Friday, 19 September and following 26 September.

Hope you can join for stitching and chatting.


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